The division definitions vary based on the specific match, but the basics remain the same.
RANGE SAFETY IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITYWe are a "cold range" Shooting at a "cold range" means that firearms are always unloaded except when at the firing line, and that weapons must remain holstered, and not handled at all, unless at the firing line.
In the unlikely event that you are contacted about a violation of the Range Safety Rules, please accept the criticism in a positive manner, as these rules are for your safety and the safety of all persons using the range. If a competitor is thought to be in violation of the COLD RANGE rule, a Range Official will escort the competitor to a safety area and direct the competitor to “unload and show clear”. If the firearm is found to be loaded, the competitor will be disqualified from the match. |
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